Kabar gembira buat yang suka oprek jaringan dan konsultan keamanan jaringan, saat ini telah hadir Backtrack versi 4 Revolution 2 dengan codename “Nemesis”.
Kelebihan yang ditawarkan Backtrack 4 R2 :
* Kernel – *Much* improved mac80211 stack.
* USB 3.0 support.
* New wireless cards supported.
* All wireless Injection patches applied, maximum support for wireless attacks.
* Even *faster* desktop environment.
* Revamped Fluxbox environment for the KDE challenged.
* Metasploit rebuilt from scratch, MySQL db_drivers working out of the box.
* Updated old packages, added new ones, and removed obsolete ones.
* New BackTrack Wiki with better documentation and support.
* Our most professional, tested and streamlined release ever.
* Kernel – *Much* improved mac80211 stack.
* USB 3.0 support.
* New wireless cards supported.
* All wireless Injection patches applied, maximum support for wireless attacks.
* Even *faster* desktop environment.
* Revamped Fluxbox environment for the KDE challenged.
* Metasploit rebuilt from scratch, MySQL db_drivers working out of the box.
* Updated old packages, added new ones, and removed obsolete ones.
* New BackTrack Wiki with better documentation and support.
* Our most professional, tested and streamlined release ever.
Bagi yang sudah terlanjur sayang dengan Backtrack 4 atau backtrack 4 R1 nya, bisa upgrade ke backtrack 4 R2 tanpa install ulang.
Langkah-langkahnya seperti biasa :
1. Login ke mesin backtrack kesayangan anda
2. Ketikkan perintah :
1. Login ke mesin backtrack kesayangan anda
2. Ketikkan perintah :
root@bt:~# apt-get update
root@bt:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
Jika ada pertanyaan tentang update lsb-release – jawab saja Y :
Configuration file `/etc/lsb-release'
==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.
==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.
What would you like to do about it ? Your options are:
Y or I : install the package maintainer's version
N or O : keep your currently-installed version
D : show the differences between the versions
Z : background this process to examine the situation
The default action is to keep your current version.
*** lsb-release (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ? y
Jik ada pertanyaan sertifikat metasploit jawab saja “P” accept permanently
Selanjutnya Upgrade Kernel
root@bt:~# apt-get install linux-image-
Jangan menekan STOP saat melakukan upgrade kernel
Upgrade Menu.lst
Pilih Install_new menu.lst
Pilih Install_new menu.lst
Setelah semua di download dan telah di install, ketikan perintah berikut :
root@bt:~# reboot
Setelah di reboot, silahkan login kembali ke BackTrack. Selanjutnya kita melakukan fix splash screen :
root@bt:~# fix-splash
Tambahkan beberapa paket yang tidak ada di R1 :
root@bt:~# apt-get install postgresql-backtrack-config bf3 linux-backtrack-firmware
Siapkan kernel sources:
root@bt:~# apt-get install linux-source
root@bt:~# cd /usr/src/
root@bt:/usr/src# tar jxpf linux-source-
root@bt:/usr/src# rm linux
root@bt:/usr/src# ln -s linux-source- linux
root@bt:/usr/src# cd linux
root@bt:/usr/src/linux# cp /boot/config- .config
root@bt:/usr/src/linux# make scripts && make prepare
root@bt:/usr/src/linux# ln -s /usr/src/linux /lib/modules/
root@bt:/usr/src/linux# apt-get clean
root@bt:/usr/src/linux# cd /root/
Atur wallpaper:
root@bt:~# wget backtrack-linux.org/bt4r2.png
root@bt:~# mv bt4r2.png /opt/kde3/share/wallpapers/bt4.png
Selanjutnya Restart kembali mesin backtrack anda, dan setelah itu anda akan menikmati tambilan dan mesin baru backtrack R2.
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