Monday, August 15, 2011
How to Remove Security Tags from Clothing
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./cyber Protes
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As an anti-theft measure, clothing stores tag certain items with security tags so you'll set off an alarm when you leave with the tag still on the garment or ruin it by spilling ink from the tag if you try to remove it yourself. This isn't a problem so long as the tag gets removed before you leave the store, but sometimes clerks can miss a tag at checkout. If that's happened to you, here's what you can do about it.
This should go without saying, but don't shoplift. It's not a nice thing to do, and it's illegal. I wrote this post as a remedy to a situation I've been in before. So use this information for good, people.
The unfortunate reality is that there is no magic method to removing the security tags on clothing. The best thing you can do is just go back to the store, explain what happened, and hope they believe you. If you still have your receipt that shouldn't be a problem. If going back to the store is not an option, you're just too lazy, or can't remember, here are some alternatives:
Cut it off with a dremel or thin wire cutter. You're probably not going to want to spend the money on a dremel if you don't already have one, but that's what eHow suggests. They say a wire cutter won't work because it's often too thick. So, get a thin one. Ultimately the dremel will probably be more effective, but it's definitely the costlier option. (Not that this situation really warrants spending more than $5 in the first place.)
Another eHow article offers a better solution for some tags—use rubber bands! Basically, you wrap the rubber band around the pin until it loosens, then pull the tag out. Full instructions here.
For ink tags, just freeze the garment and the tag, then rip it open with brute force. Ink can't spill when it's frozen. (Thanks Josef!) Another similar alternative is to just wrap a plastic bag around the tag and rip it off. (Thanks Brant!)
Just hit it in the right place.
Special to everyone for all their suggestions! Got any other suggestions? Let's hear 'em in the comments.
postingan gk Jelas. Yang Penting Happy :P
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