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Beberapa Waktu lalu ada beberapa teman Saya Bilang ,Sekarang Sulit banget  yach menaruh iklan di blog yang bahasanya tidak di support oleh infolinks .Kemungkinan Anda Adalah Salah Satu Yang Kena banned massal yang dilakukan oleh (Maklum kagak Pernah Di chech Sech )  ^_^

Silahkan Tengok Aturan Baru pada  blog infolinks yaitu tentang 10 don’t for your infolinks account.

Atau bisa langsung Di baca langsung Di blog Ini .Sekalian kalau ndak Bisa bahasa English , Translate Di Google Translate .

10 “Don’ts” for your Infolinks Account

  1. Don’t click on your own ads:
Clicking on your own ads is against our Terms of Service and a big no-no. If you aren’t sure that your ads are properly functioning, please contact, and we will be happy to test your ads in a safe environment to make sure that they are working. Also, please don’t ask your readers to click on your ads.
2. Don’t forget to register all of your websites & subdomains:
We ask that you please register all websites and subdomains where you wish to implement Infolinks code.
To add another website or subdomain to your Infolinks account, please login to your Infolinks account, and then go to “Add New Website” under the “My Account” tab. Your website or subdomain will be reviewed within 2 business days of your submission.
3. Don’t forget to add your payment method:
We need to pay you, right? You are eligible to receive your payment once your earnings total $50 or more (for payout via PayPal or Payoneer) and $400 for Wire Transfer.
Be sure to register or update your payment method by logging into your Infolinks account, then go to “My Account”, click the edit button on the “Payment Details” section and click on your desired payment method.
Don’t forget to Save at the end!
We send payments 45 days after the last day of the payment period. This means that if you earned $50 in January you will receive your earnings by March 15.
4. Don’t put Infolinks code on unapproved websites:
If your website was not approved, please remove the Infolinks code as soon as possible.
If you feel that your website meets Infolinks standards and should be reviewed again, just send us an email to and we will be happy to assist.
Please note: Infolinks does not pay for clicks that were made on unapproved websites.
5. Don’t add  Infolinks code to websites in unapproved languages:
At this time Infolinks works with websites in English, Spanish, French and German. We hope to add more languages in the future.
If your website’s text is not in one of the noted languages above, we ask that you please remove Infolinks code from your website, or that particular page published in an unapproved language.
6. Don’t confuse your readers:
We ask that you do not place Infolinks ads on portions of your website that might confuse your readers. To avoid this problem, we recommend that you use our On/Off tags feature. Read more about this feature.
7. Don’t be a copycat:
Don’t copy another person’s entire piece of work. Make sure to add a lot of rich, original content to your website, such as unique articles pertaining to your website’s subject or user generated content.
8. Don’t fake it:
Please make sure that if you are receiving traffic that it is high quality traffic. We appreciate that you help us in maintain a healthy advertising environment on Infolinks.
9. Don’t forget to read our Terms of Service:
We highly recommend that you read Infolinks Terms of Service and FAQ’s.
Hey, you wouldn’t put a computer together without reading the instructions, right?
10.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions:
Our professional service staff works around the clock to help you with any questions you may have, big or small.  Take advantage of our services and ask us a question if you can’t find the answer!
I really hope that both this post and the previous blog post “10 To Dos for your Infolinks Account” that was published last week. These 20 tips will surely help you monetize your website if you follow them. Good luck.


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