Cyber News
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
NetSecL Linux 3.2 released with new XFCE
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./cyber Protes
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NetSecL 3.2 comes with a brand new XFCE which increased dramatically the performance experience, we closed many bugs and also gained more compatibility to OpenSuse 11.4 – most packages are 11.4 compatible. GrSecurity kernel is updated to please check installation instructions if you wish to use GrSecurity.
Features :
- Ext4 issue with GrSecurity is resolved
- booting in VM with new GrSecurity resolved
- New Metasploit
- Firefox 5
- Updated Exploit-db repository
- GrSecurity Kernel – locked from zypper – you can update the whole system without worrying
- Snort-inline reintegrated (get snort rules and change them to drop – if you use the advanced firewall)
- Size of the ISO smaller with 200 MB this allowed us to have a sub project NetSecL Toolset a minimal VM with console, webshell and all pentesting tools!
Minimal System Requirements for running the live DVD: 512 MB of RAM
Minimal System Requirements for installing: 1 GB of RAM, 5 GB partition at least (SATA - tested, should work on IDE too).
Eye-candy : http://rsync.netsecl.com/NetSecL_release.pdf
Installation instructions: http://rsync.netsecl.com/netsecl_3.2.pdf
VM files to install NetSecL in VM: http://rsync.netsecl.com/netsecl_3.2_VM.zip
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