Saturday, August 13, 2011
Norton Mobile Security For Android
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./cyber Protes
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Norton Mobile Security
Norton™ Mobile Security Lite protects your mobile device against loss, theft and malware. Norton lends its anti-malware and security expertise to mobile. Your life and your important stuff is on your phone. Keep it safe with Norton™ Mobile Security Lite for Android.
Free Aantimalware Protection that eliminates viruses and malware before they infect your phone:
[+] Automatic virus scan for downloaded apps and app updates to protect against threats
[+] Detects and removes mobile security threats cybercriminals use to steal your personal info, spam you with texts, or take control of your phone
[+] Option of scanning SD card (Secure Digital) data for threats when inserted into your phone with advanced virus protection.
Remote Lock allows you to remotely lock your phone if it is lost or stolen:
[+] Remotely place a security lock on your phone with a simple text message so thieves can’t access your info or run up your bill
[+] Protects your private information from prying eyes in case your device is lost or stolen
Always Fast and easy to use, Norton Mobile Security won’t slow you down:
[+] Download and install your security app with just a few clicks
[+] Seamlessly checks for updates every week for the most up-to-date protection
[+] Won’t use up your phone’s resources or slow down your web browsing
[+] Won’t drain your battery
More Detail Here...
Download Norton Mobile Security For Android
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